Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Delicious split pea rice pilaf

You can also use lentils (red, green or brown) for this but I used yellow split peas because they look pretty.

You're going to need:

  • Lentils/Split peas
  • Rice (brown if you're looking to go crazy healthy, forbidden rice if you want to impress someone**)
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Better than Bouillon (get this and always have some) I used chicken this time, have also used veggie or beef without issue. Chicken is lighter in color and maintains the pretty of this dish though.
  • Any veggies you want. I recommend grating up a carrot, and I also added frozen spinach and frozen chopped broccoli. Mushrooms are good here too, add at the same time as the onions if you want.
  • Spices: I used Oregano, Basil, parsley and Bay Leaves this time. You can also take this in an indian direction by using curry/cilantro instead. (I recommend Patak's mixes and sauces if you're doing indian)

First off, rinse a bunch of lentils/split peas whatever and put them in some water. Turn it on high until it boils, then lower to a simmer for a while. it doesn't matter, you really can't over cook this stuff so just let it go.

Then if your rice needs to pre-soak or something get that started.

Chop the onion and saute in a pan at medium/high with butter until the pieces turn translucent.
Reduce heat to low/medium and add the garlic and cook it for a minute ish. Burnt garlic is nasty, so watch this.
Add the oregano, basil, parsley and bay leaf and cook for a minute.

Then add your rice and water, and some BTB (better than bouillon. I am not writing that out all the time)

Turn it up to medium and check it every few minutes to stir and make sure you have enough water. Close to the end (5 min?) add in your other veggies (carrots, spinach, broccoli).

Your split peas should be about done too, so drain those and add some in. I go a little at a time here until I have the right ratio. I prefer rice to be the least thing I have, but it's your world. If you have too little rice though, it gets DENSE so think of that.
Stir it all up and let it cook for a few more minutes. Add some more water if you have to.

Once it's done (frozen veggies cooked) let it sit half covered for a few minutes.

Can be a side dish with some baked or breaded chicken, or can be made in a giant vat for you to take to work for lunch and for you to eat for dinner when you work too late or know you have a crappy week coming up.

**If you're using forbidden rice, cook it separately. It's black and it will dye the water purple, so cook the rice, then toss with all your cooked veggies at the end. It's pretty!

You can also take some of this, add more water and some more BTB and make it soup. This is what I do with leftovers.

1 comment:

coulyn said...

On that same Better than Bouillon site, the Crockery Gourmet seasoning packages are awesome if you just want something super-easy. Chop up some meat and veggies and throw into a crock pot with an appropriate flavor package before you leave for work - so good! Big fan of the beef stew.